Tuesday, July 17, 2012

... Up a Mountain, Through a Desert, into a Canyon, Across a River....

... that's exactly what I feel like is ahead of us for this semester. Brandon dropped two courses last spring because they were above his skill level (even though the college suggested he enroll in them). This semester we have to strive hard to make up the credit hours, even though he still has a 4.0 GPA he doesn't have the required number of hours to keep his scholarships next semester. Frustration! We enrolled him in 4 courses! Scary business. Not to mention my due date is about a month after he starts those 4 courses.
    On a brighter note, Brandon had his first medical evaluation for TSA  in June and passed everything except the hearing exam. He completed an audiology appointment last Friday and passed with flying colors. So now we are two steps away from the ready pool. We know that it is all in the Lord's hands.
   We have been attending church more faithfully and giving as much as we can. We have learned so much and Hunter is happy in his church class, in fact he takes off running when we go through the classroom door. Our church is celebrating 25 years this month, our 25th birthdays are in December so that will be an easy way to remember the age of the church.
   We have worked hard this summer with Hunter. He began sleeping in a twin bed the week before his birthday and we have now developed a system. He snuggles with us in our bed, falls asleep quickly and is deposited into his bed by Daddy. If he gets up during the night he comes to my side of the bed snuggles for a bit and falls back asleep and sleeps the remainder of the night in his bed. :-)
   Next adventure, potty training. He thinks its fun to use the toilet, but we aren't there yet. He has earned several stickers and servings of candy for using the toilet  but we don't stay dry on a regular basis unless Mama takes him every 30 minutes or so, which is sometimes hard to do with all the work we are doing around the house.
     The nursery is almost complete. Everything except the window treatment and wall decor to be exact. We will be so happy to bring home Aiden to our home, but we are certainly not rushing the two months we have left. Hunter knows things are different but he still refers to himself as the baby and also says his tummy is baby so he doesn't exactly get what's going on. Praying that we can keep his schedule as close to the same as possible once Aiden arrives. I don't want things to be more difficult for Hunter than they have to be.
   We start school in three weeks! I'll be working for about a month, maybe 5 or 6 weeks at most before my Maternity Leave. I'll be off for 6 weeks. Go back for a few before a week off for Thanksgiving, back to work for 3 weeks, and off for 2 1/2 for Christmas break. I think it'll be a smooth transition.
    While we are looking forward to what God has to offer on our journey this year and next, we are preparing for a ride!

Monday, February 27, 2012

... Even When the Going Gets Rough.

We recently announced that we are expecting our second child. We are thrilled to be carrying another blessing from God. We have a continual desire to do what is right and raise our children in God's ways, not in the world's. We want to set the example for our children, we want to provide the BEST that we can give our children. None of these things are possible without God.

Brandon has reapplied for the third time with TSA, and has made it further in the process than either of the other two times. He was told by a TSA employee that he is on the interview list. We know that this job will only pan out if it is from God. We are at a point financially where more income would be awesome, but if we receive more income it needs to be enough to pay for two in daycare, or to allow me to stay home. I would love to stay home, but once again that is something that is up to God.

Waiting games are no fun. But they are an opportunity to fully trust in and rely on God.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

... into a New Year!

Welcome to 2012! Pursuing God has never been heavier on my heart. I have never desired God more than I do now. I want to know him. I want to feel his presence in every decision I make, every step I take. I love him more than I ever have loved. I trust him more than I have every trusted. I thank him for every undeserved blessing he has allowed me to experience. Being a wife and mother are such encouragement to do what is right. I pray that this year I will continue to whole-heartedly give my everything to God, to seek him in every decision, to follow his every direction, to listen to his every word, to live as an example to Hunter that being pleasing to Mama and Daddy is only important if you are pleasing God first. Thank you to each and every one of you that has put up with some sort of non-sense from me throughout my life. I genuinely hope that you will see how your perseverance in loving me has paid of as I can show love through my relationship with Christ. Looking forward to another year of blessings!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

...even a career change.

Brandon just completed his first semester of college as a part-time student with a 4.0 GPA. I am a college drop-out (2007) with a-who-knows-how-bad-it-is GPA. I hope to clear my student account at College of the Ozarks in the spring after tax refund returns. Next step is to find out if I have a decent enough GPA to receive financial assistance, if I don't... I'll be doing a lot more praying. I'm really hoping to qualify for financial assistance, even if I am on academic probation for a few semesters...

I moved to Point Lookout, Missouri to attend College of the Ozarks in 2006. I went pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Education. I changed my major to Sociology, and I changed my mind after I moved home. I up until now was planning to major in Child Development. Now, I am pursuing GOD. I love working with Kindergartener's. Even Mrs. Reed tells the parents that I am a natural born teacher. I get that, it is easy work for me. To mother and teach those babies as they become ready for first grade and graduate Kindergarten. But its naturally easy for me to teach/work with them. Where is the challenge in that? God doesn't call me to be luke warm and comfortable. He calls me to be challenged. He gives me opportunities to rely on him, trust him, and give my whole-self to him.

I still plan to return to Marrs Elementary each year until God tells me that my time there is up. As far as my college major goes. There are a few possibilities. Yes Child Development is always there for me, but a new desire that would require more of me, more commitment, more education, more time, more money -Occupational Therapy. Am I sure that this is MY calling? Not yet. My calling is to follow my God, wherever he leads.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

... through the first semester of college.

Brandon just finished his first semester of college. He took two online courses. It was not easy. We both work full-time jobs, and are raising a busy 1 year old boy. This fall was also extremely busy, between our much enjoyed vacation, my mom's neck surgery, and recuperation. However, Brandon succeeded! 4.0 GPA after his first semester. He will be taking 1 hour shy of  full-time this Spring. We are looking forward to the day the God shows Brandon what career path to go with. Until then, Wherever He Leads, We'll Go.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Wherever He Leads, even on a vacation!

Our family theme is "Wherever He Leads". We were blessed enough to take a 5-day cruise to Mexico, sandwiched by a few days in Galveston Island, TX. Thank you to my wonderful parents for the a-w-e-s-o-m-e vacation that we could not have afforded on our own. God showed us some things while we were technology free for a number of days. Not complaining about being technology free; we had no choice but to enjoy ourselves! :-)

Here are a few visual aids to the highlights of our adventure! We very much miss the Ocean. Our God is an AWESOME God! We were able to experience some beauty that we cannot get our minds off of.

Staying Put.

Since Brandon has begun school and I am planning to start back next fall, our future, job-wise, house-wise, vehicle-wise, children-wise, is constantly on our minds. It is very important to us to better our lives, for our children, and for ourselves. We want to set an example for our children, and make our parents and grandparents proud! We also deeply desire to follow God's Will for our life together.

Putting our own desires aside we are working hard to follow God and to be more than content with our safe home, reliable vehicles, and blessed family. With this said, my goal for 2012 is to make it a year of success financially, to make some much needed improvements to our home and lot, including putting up a privacy fence, and to make a down deposit on our next family vacation. With lots of prayer, trust in God, faithfulness to church and tithing, careful budgeting, making sacrifices on unneccessary parts of our lives, and LOVE like no other (to God and each other) 2012 WILL be our year! We really desire to live up to our calling from above.

Thank You Lord Jesus for giving each of us a calling, I thank you for knowing mine, and I pray for each person who does not and I pray that they can seek you and know you to find their calling.